How we make the Chorizo de Cantimpalos

Meat conditioning.
This stage is done in a 12°C room temperature for a maximum time of two hours, during this step the fat excess is eliminated by itself from the meat and some tendinous part too.
The meat must be in a temperature between 0°C and 2°C when we mince it.
The mincer has holes with several diameters according to the chorizo we are making.
For example the chorizos type Sarta or Achorizados the diameter would be between 10 and 16 millimeters, about the Cular chorizo, the diameter is bigger, between 18 and 26 millimeters.
We mix up all the chorizo’s ingredients together to get a paste homogeneous which will be the stuffing
Paste stand.
We leave the paste stand in the fridge in a temperature between 2°C and 7°C for 12/36 hours. The paste pH (rate acidity) must be between 5,5 and 6,5.
We stuff the chorizo in pork’s tripes by making sure there is any air in the chorizo.
The chorizo is color black, red and white after stuffed.
The dry cure processing will last a minimum of 21 days for the Sarta chorizo, 24 days for the Achorizado and 40 days for the Cular. This process reduces the chorizo’s paste, 25% less.
Two stages in this process, maturation and curing :
a) Maturation: Accomplished in a dry temperature (6/16°C) within a humidity rate between 60 and 85%.
b) Curing: Accomplished in a natural curing for more than 40% of the maturation stage.
Labelling and Meat-Paking.
After maturation, the chorizo is vacuum packing by chunks, slices and marinated in oil.
We are able to identify the chorizos through the labelling and traceable on the packaging.

fuente: (BOE 54 de 4/3/2006)